
This is a common house spider in South India, seen here with her egg sac. If I am right, she is H. venatoria - read about this species here.
Ever since I set eyes on them, though, I have always yelled out 'Tarantula!' and my wonderful M-I-L would deftly collect them within the bristles of a broom and encourage the leggy creature to set up camp in the garden.
Now I don't mind them - they are willing caretakers of a lonely house...

Camera Critters
Afterthought - CC means camera-critters, not creepy crawlies! :)

PS 1. In case you are not yet spider-wise, Daddy-long-legs is actually a spider that does not look much different from the web it weaves.
PS 2. But another Daddy-Long-Legs is one of my favourite companions, and is put up in a shelf, too. More about that later!


  1. Terrific shot and cute title.
    In this connection see

    We had seen a coupleof monstrous sculptures of spiders created by Louise Bourgeoise. One of them (in Dia Museum in Beacon) is called Maman and has a pouch with eggs, made of solid marble.

  2. You and Indrani wander around with camera everywhere ? mmm :-) Cute pic( shudder :-)))

    You always called out 'tarantula'?

    Me and my daughter always call out.. "HAAAAAAAALP..!!!!!"

  3. haven't seen one in a long time sandy

  4. Glad he's at your house and not at mine!

  5. hmm...interesting. For me too, any weird spider is a tarantula! I've never seen this one before.

  6. That is scary Swarna. I wouldn't have the guts to take a aim. :)

  7. Which part of India did you see this one?

  8. @Ramjee - in central Kerala, at a house by the Chalakudy river.


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