Insufficient quorum indeed!

It's probably routine that the Rajya Sabha is adjourned due to lack of quorum.
["One tenth of the total number of members of Rajya Sabha constitutes the quorum for a meeting of the House"].

The latest was on Thursday, Dec 6, 2007, when the Upper House closed shop during a discussion on NREGP.

Not even a tenth? Isn't something wrong? Aren't we, the people entitled to know (under the RTI Act) whether the elected or nominated representatives are physically available at both Houses to do their 'job' of running the nation - at least during Parliament sessions?

A newspaper could take the lead in presenting daily statistics not unlike schoolrooms, with a front page box item giving ready figures of number of representatives present, and also monthly summaries of each member's presence. I suspect that an hourly update by news channels and portals will reveal a lot about the quantum of 'precious time' our leaders have at their disposal.

I wonder how many of the honourable members were present when a delegation from Afghanistan visited to witness a Rajya Sabha session the next day?
Perhaps an attendance of 80% or above may be mandated as a criterion for a candidate's eligibility for re-election!


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