Let's have Military Rule sans sudden coup...
A periodic dose of military rule will help us appreciate the value of 'Freedom' and the associated responsibility that ought to accompany it. We often hear it said that we get the government, (and the municipal corporation, and the police) we deserve. But methinks we are asking for, indeed we need a good dose of ... military rule. No don't look West to locate and quote a history of coups. Instead calm down and read on - For a period of about 6 months before every election, let us have the military personnel administer India, ie, the function of governance will be carried out by the three defence forces, supported by the paramilitary, the Territorial Army, and the Home Guards. A civilian will still head government, don't worry - the President, as S.C.A.F. A periodic dose of military rule will help us appreciate the value of 'Freedom' and the associated responsibility. "Responsibility is the price of freedom", . .. whether it is freedom ...