"It's a pity...."

A lot happened in a neighbouring country on MayDay.

Here are three relevant articles that bring out the crux of the entire situation.

It's a pity...

The author, Professor Richard Jackson who is Secretary, British International Studies Association and Editor, Critical Studies on Terrorism, writes - ..."And it's a pity that so many are celebrating using violent means to fight a violent group, and that it will most likely lead to a continuing, maybe even intensifying, cycle of violence. It's sad that so few today recognise or understand that the use of violence rarely leads to any long-term solutions, but instead, most often creates ever more violence and suffering in the long run. This event and the response to it are an opportune moment to reflect on our addiction to political violence and our belief that conflict can best be solved by killing…"

...."It's a pity that this event will do nothing to end the sheer stupidity and shameful waste of ten years of war and violence."

US Military's history of changing its stories
"Stories told of Private Jessica Lynch, American footballer Pat Tillman and British aid worker Linda Norgrove were all incorrect." ... "Giving evidence at a congressional hearing four years later, Lynch said: “I am still confused as to why they chose to lie and tried to make me a legend when the real heroics of my fellow soldiers that day were, in fact, legendary ... [The] bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals of heroes, and they don't need to be told elaborate tales.” Nor was Lynch's an isolated case. In 2002, moved by the devastation of 9/11, Pat Tillman gave up a lucrative career in American football to enlist in the U.S. army. His selfless decision was hailed by President Bush, and, when Tillman was killed in Afghanistan in April 2004, the footballer-turned-soldier was held up as the epitome of American heroism. The Pentagon described him as a war hero, and he was posthumously awarded the silver star and the purple heart."

The manufacture of consensus and legitimacy
The author says - "Foreign intervention, as seen in Libya and Côte d'Ivoire, raises important questions about the limits of national sovereignty, an idea that does not seem applicable to nation states like the UNSC members."... "Put simply, instrumentalities such as the R2P devised by the ‘international community,' like the ongoing demeaning of the democratic political process in India by positing against it ‘non-political politics,' are yet another weapon being crafted to assist the relentless process of recolonisation under way in many formerly colonised countries."

Can't help but think that personnel of advanced military and much of the aggressor country's political class are really juvenile delinquents who are trigger-happy, and like to ape the monstrous gadgets and toys and automated machines that their designers churn out. They should go back to one of the numerous alien worlds that their film industry called Hollywood continues to create, and stay there.


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